Emma Nolan

Client Services Administrator

0208 543 0111

At work

Emma’s role involves supporting the financial planners and team to allow everything to run smoothly. Day to day Emma provides administrative support to the financial planners, assisting clients over the phone and through email and booking meetings.

At home

In her spare time Emma loves to listen to music and play the guitar. She likes to make different floral arrangements to decorate her home for different seasons. She also loves travelling to new places with her sister and friends.


  • Really hot weather
  • Scary movies
  • Coat hoods
  • Spiders
  • Marmite

All regulated financial advisers must be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and therefore appear on their register. You can find Gareth’s entry here.

Furthermore, all advisers must have an up-to-date Statement of Professional Standing (SPS). This shows they are suitably qualified and have carried out the required amount of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). You should be wary of any advisers who refuse to provide copies of their SPS. You can click here to view Gareth’s.

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