Elliott Swatton

Chartered Financial Planner

020 8543 0111

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Elliott Swatton, London
CII Chartered Financial Planner Qualified Member of the Personal Finance Society

At work

Elliott has worked in financial services since leaving university with a degree in Business with Finance. He initially worked for a SIPP specialist, then became a Financial Adviser at Standard Life.

Elliott joined the Gem & Co team in 2006; he became a partner two years later, thanks to his shared passion for financial planning.

Today, Elliott specialises in working with couples who are approaching retirement. They usually have various pensions, investments and savings, but they often don’t really know what that means for them and their future. He also works extensively with senior executives and business owners.

Elliott’s expertise is listening to people’s aspirations, then guiding them every step of the way to the right financial path.

At home

Elliott is a father to two children and a keen cyclist. He cycles to work a few times a week, no matter the weather! In the last couple of years, he has cycled up Mount Teide and Mount Etna.

He loves going to try nice food and tasting menus, but the logistics of childcare can get in the way. Fortunately, he’s perfectly happy at home with a good takeaway.

Elliott enjoys volunteering, and even ended up dancing in the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony!


  • Celery
  • Getting stuck in traffic on the M25
  • Flying (the bit at the beginning and the end)
  • Spiders

All regulated financial advisers must be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and therefore appear on their register. You can find Elliott’s entry here.

Furthermore, all advisers must have an up-to-date Statement of Professional Standing (SPS). This shows they are suitably qualified and have carried out the required amount of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). You should be wary of any advisers who refuse to provide copies of their SPS. You can click here to view Elliott’s.


  • Fellowship
  • Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning
  • Diploma in Financial Planning
  • Certificate in Financial Planning
  • Certificate in Mortgage Advice
  • Certificate in Financial Planning and Lifetime Mortgage Activities
  • Certificate in Financial Planning and Long Term Care Insurance
  • Certificate in Life & Pensions
  • Award in Long Term Care Insurance

“Elliott takes time to understand us - what's important to us and how we want to live our lives both now and in the future. He has questioned and challenged us about some of our financial decisions and caused us to rethink and revise them! I trust him and have confidence that he gives us sound advice and is managing our money to enable us to have the retirement we want in the future.”

Carol, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, a client since 2017

“We had a lack of appropriate knowledge and were looking to retire early. Elliott took all the information from myself and my wife and then presented it back to us in such a way that it was clear, concise and easy to understand. He took into account our personal aspirations and our approach to risk. We feel a lot more in control of our futures.”

John, Vale of Glamorgan, a client since 2015

“Elliott is friendly, courteous and professional. I warmed to him from the start. He gathered all necessary personal information, financial information, lifestyle, what my intentions were for retirement, what level of risk taker I was with investments, etc. If I did not understand something, he would put me at ease and go over it again without making me feel "inadequate" in any way.”

Hazel, Wimbledon, London, a client since 2014

"Gem & Co have been looking after my financial affairs since 2014. I chose them because they listened carefully and focused on my future. Elliott's professionalism meant we then asked him to look after my wife's financial affairs. Have an exploratory chat with Elliot and the team, you won't be disappointed."

Chris, Walton on Thames, a client since 2014

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