

The importance of rebalancing

Category: Investment Insight

Rebalancing is the practice of realigning the components of a portfolio of investments back to a target allocation from which it has drifted away. Naturally, the process is contrarian and results in selling the things that have done well and buying more of what has done less well. To some, this may feel painful, but

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Make your investment bed and lie in it!

Category: Investment Insight

As the old saying goes, investing is simple but not easy. It is simple to look back at market data today and wish that we had, for example, owned more US equities and less UK and emerging market equities over the past ten years, given their annualised returns of around 14.5%, 5.0% and 6.5%, respectively.

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Missing the best days in the market

Category: Investment Insight

Most investors – at some time – will be either tempted to time when to be in or out of equity markets – or wish they had when markets fall. It would be great to be able to capture the upsides and avoid the downsides, but that is wishful thinking. Investors may well underestimate the

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