

How deep is your risk?

Category: Investment Insight

All investors know that they need to take risks in order to achieve returns higher than cash.   If you asked ten investors if equities were more risky than cash, most would agree; but that depends on how one understands risk.  The investment industry has done a poor job of explaining risk as it relates to

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Category: Investment Insight

Theresa May has formally notified the European Union of Britain’s intention to leave Sunday’s papers could not have been more divided. ‘This week the UK will throw into jeopardy 60 years of unparalleled European peace, security and prosperity’ warned the Observer. While a triumphalist Sunday Express declared, ‘EU laws head for the dustbin from next

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Category: Investment Insight

Introduction This time last year Philip Hammond was the Foreign Secretary: then came Brexit, Theresa May as Prime Minister, George Osborne’s opportunity to spend more time with his family – or on the after-dinner speaking circuit – and Mr Hammond’s move into 11 Downing Street. He delivered his first Autumn Statement in November of last

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Autumn Statement: November 2016

Category: Investment Insight

Introduction The New Chancellor For the last six years, the government’s Budget and Autumn Statement have been synonymous with George Osborne – but as we all now know, the former Chancellor fell victim to Theresa May’s post-Brexit reshuffle. In fact, with his Tatton constituency likely to be impacted under the proposed boundary changes, our former

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The fall and decline of buy-to-let?

Category: Investment Insight

‘Short of attacking them with flame-throwers, or impaling them on stakes, it is hard to know what else the Bank and the government can throw at landlords.’      Daily Telegraph,  March 2016 The halcyon days of buy-to-let may well be behind us The British continue their love affair with being buy-to-let landlords.  After all, with

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So it is ‘leave’

Category: Investment Insight

The UK has woken up this morning to a vote to leave the EU, the Prime Minister is set to leave office in October and the markets are suffering a bout of jitters. We all knew that these were possibilities. To some this is a good day, to others it is not. But we are

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