


Category: News

Introduction This report was written over the weekend of 10th/11th June and revised early on Monday 12th June. As you will appreciate, events are moving very quickly – and continue to do so. For example, on Saturday morning there was pressure to remove Theresa May’s advisers, Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill: by lunchtime, they were gone.

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June Market Commentary

Category: News

As we wrote last year, ‘It is tempting to think that Brexit is the only game in town.’ Cross out ‘Brexit’ and replace it with ‘General Election’ and the sentiment holds good. But the rest of the world keeps turning – or in May, grinding to a halt as the WannaCry ransomware attack hit more

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How to pass on ISAs after you’re gone

Category: Financial planning

ISAs have long been regarded as a simple and effective way of protecting your savings from the taxman, with the increased limit now allowing you to shelter up to £20,000 of your savings a year from being taxed. Whilst this can be a great help in protecting your nest egg during your own life, you’ll

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Retiring in England? Here are the top destinations

Category: News

Whilst the impact of Brexit is yet to be known, one thing that may become trickier is relocating to the continent after Britain leaves the EU. It’s a change that will affect those at the end of their working life as well as those near the start, as in the past many have chosen to

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So, it is a hung Parliament

Category: News

How a hung Parliament affects your portfolio As dawn breaks, the morning light reveals yet another political gamble that has not paid off for the dice roller.  The UK has a hung Parliament, with no party holding an absolute majority.  Such is the unpredictability of a parliamentary democracy.  If you ask the people of the

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How deep is your risk?

Category: Investment Insight

All investors know that they need to take risks in order to achieve returns higher than cash.   If you asked ten investors if equities were more risky than cash, most would agree; but that depends on how one understands risk.  The investment industry has done a poor job of explaining risk as it relates to

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